Tuesday, June 2, 2009


There's a YouTube video of Jason Mraz performing 'Bella Luna,' the beautiful ballad about a man and his moon from the 'Mr A-Z' CD. Maybe stop reading my words now and go to YouTube and watch it. It was shot by a fan up in Lake Tahoe. Open your ears, eyes and heart and you'll feel the guy melt into the song. It is a rare and beautiful thing.

You ever watch Rafael Nadal? He IS tennis.

It isn't possible to seperate Duke Ellington from Jazz. When you listen, they become one in the same.

And if you don't FEEL 'New York, New York' when you hear Sinatra sing that theme, then you're not paying attention.

I used to go see young Jason perform in San Diego. The G-friend, her brother and me. We'd drive back to Las Vegas, closer to one another because of our love of Mraz and his music. Last year a VERY VERY VERY cool guy saw to it that I had some tickets to see Jason Mraz at Palms. WW was blown away by the wonder wall. And? I've never felt so much love in one room in my whole life. I swear. It was beautiful.

Jason ended his recent tour here at the MGM, appearing with Dave Matthews Band. I caught part of their first show and heard that the next night, over at Pearl, Jason was joined in his midnight concert by James Morrison, ('Lucky' partner) Colbie Caillett and, adding the magic to the magical mystery tour, comic magician Justin Kredible. I am told that it was a lovely way to spend an evening.

A few years back, I wrote: "...if John Lennon had a daughter who married Paul McCartney's son and they had a kid who had the balls to tell the truth, it'd be Jason Mraz." Recently I listened to 'If It Kills Me,' and could hear the Beatles- especially Paul, in every line. And despite what Rolling Stone says, all of the Mraz songs are NOT up-beat. 'Love For A Child' is deeply personal, poignant, and a bit dark. But it is still about love.

I love the music of Jason Mraz because it IS love; I love Mraz because he lets us love him.

Mraz is Music.

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My profile is considered: "HIGH" 40-ish, 6 foot-ish, slim-ish, trim-ish straight-ish, late-ish, creative-ish... I am an unashamed HETRO* *Heterochromatic(one green eye, one hazel-ish).