Thursday, April 3, 2008


solo acoustic vol. 2 is out...and great.

I wrote a whole novel, "The King of Diamonds," with Jackson Browne's   'solo acoustic vol. 1'  in my head. 

"Fountains of Sorrow" informed the entire story. Little wonder that Darin Diamond fantasizes about having a songwriting partner like Jackson Browne. 

vol. 2 has a heart-stopping "In The Shape of a Heart," and an almost shy "Redneck Friend."

How important is Jackson Browne to me? Well, a person couldn't begin to understand me unless and until they came to appreciate Jackson Browne. 

Here's something people who think that they know me prolly don't know: I've never met, spoken to or even been near Jackson Browne. Sure, I could have... many many times. I've taken very pretty girls to some very beautiful Jackson Browne concerts over the years. Now while I'm not quite old enough to have been "in on" Jackson's music as it came out, once I got into him, I fell and I mean deeply. And fully.

I have gone backstage to meet virtually every star who has performed in Las Vegas over the past 20 years. Shook Paul McCartney's hand... twice. Chatted with Bono at the Desert Inn.. Hung-out at some pretty heavy-duty sound checks. But when I had the chance to meet Jackson Browne, after a Hard Rock show, I just couldn't do it. I wasn't ready.

I still am not ready.

But I am getting there.

I hope.

I was maybe 16 and on the road to a ski trip to Colorado with my peeps. My friend Mike is driving and he's got "THAT'S A BIG TEN FOUR"  blaring on his car stereo. I mean ba ba ba BLARING!

After that, we couldn't take a road trip without playing "RUNNING ON EMPTY."

Looking back, ..."I don't know how to tell you all just how crazy this life feels." 

I was just 18 when a girl (Debbie) had to explain to me what "Rosie" was all about. I will always remember feeling... well, less than hip, for thinking the tune was about a groupie! Oh, and how I tried to pretend that I knew all along what "Rosie" was. And how I failed. And how Debbie kind-of felt sorry for "Mr. Name That Tune,'' and how she SHOWED ME what was what.

Oh snap!

I finally fingered it out.

Speaking of fingers--- when I was in my 20's, I stayed up all night learning the changes for "Here Come Those Tears Again," fueled by nothing but passion and at 11:11 the next day, proudly played and sang it for the most beautiful blond dancer ever to shine in the Flamingo Hilton's "City Lights."
The real McCoy, you might say.

Several years later, after Lawyers were no longer In Love, I was hanging with a talented hostess of Crazy Girls. It was during the last weekend that Jahna Steele would spend at my house that she insisted I sing her some of my favorite songs and talk about why on more nights than I'd like to admit that I too often felt like "The Pretender" as I went out in the cool of the evening.

I will never forget Jahna shaking her head that morning, saying that I was the only person in the world who knew the lyrics "Out into the cool of the evening, strolls The Pretender," and also "In The Cool Cool Cool of the Evening." (Sue wants a barbacue, Sam wants to boil a ham, Grace votes for bouilabaisse stew).

She and I were able to hold down a few handfulls of oyster crackers before going back into my little home studio.

We rehearsed a duet that we'd perform later that night 'live' on the Buck Hunter TV Show (although we were dead to the world at that point)...and then, before we left my pad to head over to The Gold Coast, she grabbed my arm and went into an impromptu "Doctor My Eyes." I dig that song. Jackson wrote it on a broken piano (you can hear that).

You know-I watched the video of Jahna and me doing that TV show over and over again. 

I have watched too many of my friends not being good to themselves- unable to avert my eyes.

Was I unwise to leave them open for so long?

About Me

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My profile is considered: "HIGH" 40-ish, 6 foot-ish, slim-ish, trim-ish straight-ish, late-ish, creative-ish... I am an unashamed HETRO* *Heterochromatic(one green eye, one hazel-ish).